General Product Inquiries
Where can I use my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport CardTM?
You can use it for cash withdrawals at ATMs abroad, for in-store or online purchases wherever the Mastercard® acceptance mark is displayed, including countries or areas with currencies different from those on your card. The system will automatically convert your stored currency(ies) to the local one using the following priority order:
- American dollars,
- Canadian dollars,
- British pounds,
- Euros,
- Japanese Yen.
Please note that the automatic currency conversion is carried out at an exchange rate set by Mastercard® on the day of the transaction, plus a percentage set by the Issuer (Refer to the Product's Terms and Conditions).
There are several countries where the use of your Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card is currently prohibited, and transactions originating in these countries will be rejected.
These countries are: North Korea, Crimea, Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Romania, South Africa, Sudan, and Syria.
If you want to find the closest ATM to your location, visit our ATM Locator.
What should I NOT use my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card for?
You should neither use nor be able to use your card for:
- Money transfers (sending funds to a third party)
- Accessing money transfer services
- Accessing or purchasing adult goods
- Online gambling activities
- Any illegal activities
Additionally, we do not recommend using the card for:
- Security deposit requested by car rental companies, hotels, or cruises, as these establishments might calculate the final bill, and this amount cannot be accessed or spent temporarily. However, it can be used to pay the final bill.
- As an agreement for periodic billing (recurring charges), considering that any charge to the card resulting from such arrangements will be deemed authorized by you.
You must comply with all laws and regulations (including foreign exchange controls) regarding the card in the country of purchase and/or use.
How is my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport card protected?
Your card is protected with a Chip and PIN. Additionally, it is compatible with 3D Secure technology to add security to your online transactions.
To reduce the risk of fraud, your card is entirely independent of your bank account.
What is an additional card, and what is it used for?
It is a card linked to your Primary Card, so they share the balance. The additional card serves as a backup in case your primary card is lost or stolen, allowing you to continue accessing funds during your trip.
You can only have one additional card, and it should not be used by anyone other than yourself.
Remember that in case of theft or loss of any of your cards, you must report it immediately to the Card Services Center.
What if I have lost my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card, it has been stolen, or it is damaged?
Call the Card Services Center immediately to cancel the card, providing absolute protection for your funds (subject to full compliance with the terms and conditions). The Card Services Center will then take appropriate measures in these cases, including replacing and sending your card and providing an emergency cash advance (subject to availability).
What should I do if I won't be using my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card for a considerable period?
In that case, we suggest temporarily suspending your card from 'My Account'. You can reactivate it using the same method when needed, as long as the card is still valid.
For Businesses
Is it available for Companies?
Yes. In the case of legal entities, the Legal Representative carries out the process of establishing a Foreign Exchange contract with Intercam. Once this contract is active, the Legal Representative can request cards for the company's properly identified employees. The assigned Relationship Manager will provide more details regarding the documentation required for each of the company's employees designated as beneficiary cardholders.
Cards for Third Parties
My underage child is traveling abroad. Can he/she have Access to an Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card? How is it processed?
Many minors travel abroad for summer camps or graduations. If your child is between 13 and 18 years old, you can request a card for them linked to the foreign exchange contract of which you are the signator. In this way, you will act as the resource provider, and the billing will be invoiced in your name. However, the beneficiary and therefore the cardholder will be the minor in question.
To obtain it, you must visit an Intercam Branch to request the card by presenting:
Your official identification
Proof of address,
Any identification of the minor with a photo. -
Can I lend my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card to another person for their trip?
The card, whether primary or additional, should not be used by anyone other than the designated cardholder. However, it is possible to request cards for third parties who have a direct family relationship with the signatory of the foreign exchange master contract with Intercam.
How do I request a card for a third party?
It is possible to request cards for third parties who have a direct family relationship with the signatory of the foreign exchange master contract with Intercam. In the case of Individuals, a card can be requested for the mother, father, spouse, and children of the contract holder.
The same person can only have one primary card, regardless of the foreign exchange purchase contract it is linked to. For example, if someone already has a card issued by their company, they cannot obtain another card for themselves, even if the latter is linked to their contract as an Individual, unless they cancel the first one.
If you wish to apply for the card, please contact your assigned Relationship Manager.
My Account
What is the purpose of registering the Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card via 'My Account'?
Once the card is registered, you can review your balance and transaction history in real-time, print your transactions, transfer money between currencies, recover your card's PIN, update your contact information, and temporarily lock your card.
How do I register my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card via 'My Account'?
Click on the ‘Register' link, and follow the instructions on the screen.
You will need to enter the last 4 digits of your card number each time you access 'My Account.‘
If you encounter an error during registration, it's possible that some of the entered data is incorrect or the card has not yet been enabled for registration. In either case, contact your Intercam Relationship Manager for more information.
How can I recover the PIN of my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card?
You can recover it via the 'My Account' option in the following path: Settings / Card Settings / Reveal my PIN, or by contacting the Card Services Center. Remember that it's not possible to change your card's PIN.
Add funds
How can I add funds to my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card?
You can add funds via your Intercam Online Banking and Mobile Banking platforms or by contacting your Relationship Manager, who can assist you with the process.
Note that the minimum amount balance is USD 100 or its equivalent.
Can I add funds to my card by handing over the currencies I want directly at the bank teller window?
Adding funds can only be done with Mexican pesos, which will be converted to any of the 5 available currencies on the card as per your requirement, at an exchange rate disclosed to you when you request the transaction.
What if the ATM asks for a 6-digit PIN?
In some countries, a six-digit PIN might be requested when using an ATM. However, your Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport card uses a standard four-digit PIN, which is still accepted as usual if the ATM is correctly configured according to Mastercard® regulations.
If you need assistance with any issues related to your PIN, please call the Card Services Center.
What if the ATM asks for the type of account?
In that case, it is advisable to select 'Credit'. However, you can only withdraw cash up to the available balance on your Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport prepaid card (including any applicable fees), and as long as the amount falls within the withdrawal limits of that ATM.
Online Purchases
Can I use my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card for online shopping?
Yes. It is possible to make online purchases.
Remember that your Card is compatible with 3DSecure Technology for online purchases, so in some transactions you may be asked to authenticate your purchase with an additional factor. Keep your email and phone number information up to date to ensure you receive the one-time password.
We recommend purchasing from reputable companies and avoiding revealing your details in response to unsolicited emails.
Just as you keep cash receipts in case you need to return or exchange something, keep track of your online transactions. Print and save a copy of your order form and purchase confirmation.
What is the 3D Secure technology compatible with my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card?
It's an additional security system for card payments, involving the validation of online transactions using a one-time password sent to the cardholder via email or SMS.
To ensure you receive this one-time password, make sure your email address and mobile phone number are up to date. You can review and update this information in 'My Account'.
I am not receiving the one-time password (OTP) via the requested method, what should I do?
Please verify that your contact information is correct in 'My Account'. If it is correct, select a new method to receive the OTP (SMS to email or vice versa).
If the problem persists, please contact our Card Services Center for assistance.
What should I do if my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card is declined during a transaction?
Review the following:
- Ensure that you have sufficient funds on the card to cover the purchase or withdrawal. If the transaction value exceeds the funds in the primary currency, the remaining amount will be covered by converting that amount into the next available currency in the priority order.
- If the transaction requires entering the PIN, make sure you are using the correct code.
- Verify that the merchant or ATM accepts Mastercard®.
- Confirm that your transaction is within the defined limits.
If everything is correct, please contact our Card Services Center to review the transaction details and determine the reason for the rejection.
What is 'tolerance' and which type of businesses request it?
When you use your card at certain establishments, a percentage or fixed amount must be added to the transaction amount whenever the establishment presents it for authorization. For instance, when you allow your card to be swiped at a bar before ordering, in order to open a tab and pay for everything later. This addition of a percentage or fixed amount to the transaction authorized by the establishment is known as "tolerance." As the establishment doesn't immediately charge the final bill, the authorized amount plus the tolerance is held against the available balance of your card until the establishment demands payment. At this point, the final amount will be charged to your card or blocked for 7 days (in some cases, up to 30 days), whichever occurs first. Please note that the exchange rate used when the transaction is authorized (and funds are reserved) may differ from the exchange rate used on the day the transaction is settled. However, you will only be charged the actual and final amount of the transaction that you sign for or validate with your PIN.
Tolerance only applies to specific business categories detailed below:
Business Category Tolerance (% of authorized amount) Bars (or similar places for beverages) 20% Restaurants (or other places where food is served) 20% Taxis and limousines 20% Telecommunications services USD 15 or equivalent currency Automatic fuel dispensers USD 75 or equivalent currency We recommend checking your transaction history regularly via 'My Account' to ensure you have sufficient funds available for your expenses.
If the transaction value, plus the tolerance percentage or fixed amount, exceeds the available balance in the primary currency, the remaining amount will be covered by converting it into the next available currency in the priority order. If you don’t have enough available funds in the total card balance to cover the transaction value along with the tolerance amount, the transaction might be declined. However, if supported by the establishment, you can use your card for a partial payment and cover the remainder with an alternative form of payment. Just ensure to communicate this to the cashier before the transaction begins and confirm the amount you want to deduct from your card.
There's also a scenario where you might have less available money than you thought because you've used your card in an establishment as pre-authorization for a final payment (security deposits at establishments like car rental companies, hotels, or cruise lines, where they estimate the final bill and require reserving a sum of money from your card to cover this amount).
What should I do if I detect an incorrect transaction on my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card?
If, upon reviewing your transaction history via 'My Account,' you identify purchases or withdrawals that were not made by you, please notify the Card Services team as soon as possible, or within a maximum period of 90 days from the transaction date.
If you wish, the Card Services team can initiate the clarification process on your behalf, for which additional written information regarding any unrecognized transactions will be requested, along with a dispute form.
A merchant issued a refund to my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card, but I don't see it reflected in my balance. Why?
Merchants should process refunds through the same channel they used for the transaction, usually a Point of Sale terminal. When a refund is processed through a different channel (for example, a bank transfer instead of using the POS terminal), the credited funds may not appear in your balance. In such cases, it is necessary to request the merchant to process the refund through the same channel used for the original transaction.
How can I obtain a statement for my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card?
As the card is a prepaid product not linked to a bank account, a fiscal stamped statement is not issued.
However, you can review and print the transaction history of the card for the last 3 months via 'My Account.' If you need your transactions for a longer period, request them from your Relationship Manager at Intercam.
What if my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card expires while I'm traveling?
Once the primary card has expired, it is no longer possible to request a replacement. It's important to replace the card when it's nearing expiration and before you travel
If your card has expired and still holds funds, you can access them by visiting an Intercam Branch, either by withdrawing the equivalent in Mexican Pesos or by obtaining a new card.
How do I withdraw the remaining balance from my Intercam Multi-currency Cash Passport Card?
If you prefer not to keep your card for another trip, you can withdraw the remaining balance from an ATM (provided it is within the ATM's withdrawal limits) displaying the Mastercard® acceptance mark or by contacting your Intercam Relationship Manager.
How to prevent identity theft or vulnerability?
Phishing attempts often appear as email messages, seemingly from your bank or card issuer, pretending to be concerned about your security.
Then, you'll be asked to click on a link on the fraudulent page, designed to keep your data.
If we contact you by email, we will NEVER ask you to click on a link that directs you to enter or confirm your security details. If you have any doubts about the authenticity of an email regarding your card, immediately call our Card Services team for clarification.
Remember, if you're asked to enter your PIN on a website along with your card details, it's likely fraudulent. Close the browser and immediately contact Card Services Center.